This Phone Caught on Fire Overnight - We Saved it and its Data

Do you regularly back up your phone's data?  If not, there are a variety of dangers that pose a threat to your data.  Prominent examples include losing your cell phone, theft, and water damage.  We recently helped a customer whose data impacted by a less frequent danger, fire!

This Samsung Galaxy S5 caught on fire overnight while charging.  The next day, it was like new.

A customer’s Samsung Galaxy S5 caught on fire in the middle of the night while it was on the charger.  Just before this situation occurred, a loved one had passed away, and there were many photos of them left behind on the device. Sadly, the images on the phone had not been backed up, so the customer was worried about losing the photos permanently. She called us and explained the situation, then brought the phone to our location on 144th Street. Within a few hours, our board-level specialist, Evan, had the phone working enough to retrieve the photos from it. He compiled the pictures into a zip file and shared the link with her. 

The customer was ecstatic to have the photos back, and we were so thrilled to provide a solution to a high-stress situation. Hopefully, none of you have to experience what this customer went through with a with a phone catching fire, but if you find yourself with the same misfortune, you know we can help! 


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